Attended a talk last night with Ross Richie and Chip Mosher at L.A.’s Skirball Center to hear the legendary Jerry Robinson speak about his career. It was great to hear the creator of the Joker talk about Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Siegel and Shuster, and a host of other comics legends. Kudos to interviewer Mark Evanier for keeping things moving. Robinson’s almost twice my age and is still more articulate than I am. Bah.
MegaCon in Orlando was awesome and stunningly well-attended. Organizer Beth Widera and her crew always put together a fine show, and this year was no exception. Highlight: meeting Phil Morris, the actor who plays J’Onn J’Onzz on SMALLVILLE and voices a variety of DC’s animated characters, including Vandal Savage and Jonah Hex. I say “highlight” because it turns out he knew who I was because he’s a huge comics fan with a collection that dwarfs mine.
Wrote a scene yesterday for an upcoming issue of IRREDEEMABLE that–after a long, dry week of having no ideas–really made me happy. I can’t say anything about it without spoiling stuff, but I can say that it’s probably the darkest and most disturbing five pages I’ve ever written, and that includes all the stuff that Golgoth did in EMPIRE. Part of my goal for IRREDEEMABLE is to simultaneously entertain you and make you feel the need to take a hot, cleansing shower. Judging by the reactions of the friends who’ve read the work in progress, so far, so good. I’m really excited about this one. Artist Krause totally gets it and improves upon it, future Eisner-Award-winning colorist Andrew Dalhouse takes it a step further, and now Gene Ha’s just turned in three cover sketches and we can’t decide which one to use because they’re all lovely. Once we choose one, I’ll see if I can’t get Gene’s permission to run all three so I can talk about the selection process.
Off to join the BOOM! crew at the 11:30 screening of some comic book movie.