
  • Jun 20, 2012
    -and, see? Didn't I warn you that there would be dark to balance the light? It was Pete's idea to cram Nocturnus into a sidecar, by the way. Really good. I love how uncomfortable Pete makes him look. Also, reminder to self-we need to sit down soon and catalogue exactly what that Battle Staff can... more
  • Jun 15, 2012
    Courtesy of Maureen Ryan, TV critic for the Huffington Post in her critique of this season’s Mad Men finale (no spoilers): “[M]ost engaging stories get you to want something for the characters. The characters don’t have to be good people or they don’t even have to have admirable goals, yet because... more
  • Jun 12, 2012
    Thrillbent has been up about six weeks. Several Forum members, fellow webcomics creators and Twitterers have asked about some of the site stats, so FWIW, here’s what we’ve seen.  This will be dull for most of you but spellbinding to data nerds like myself, trust me. On average, visitors spend 3... more
  • Jun 10, 2012
    One of our forum members, Max, found himself intrigued by an iPad comics app called DeepComix, which (this is hard to explain, bear with me) uses a series of parallax-view layers to give dimension to its pages. If that makes as little sense as I fear it does, look at how Max experimented with this... more
